MP Chachu Ganya wants Matiang’i to come clean on NFD ID claims

The North Horr MP Francis Chachu Ganya has challenged the ministry of interior and coordination of national government, to withdraw hectic procedures during acquisitions of national identity cards for Northern Frontier Districts (NFD) counties.

He cited the Ministry’s department of national registration of bureau being to blame for the impasse.

Speaking at the Chambers of Parliament the long serving MP said “The issue of vetting for the Kenyans along the border NFD counties are subjected to different vetting processes and someone can wait for his/her ID for 8-10 years Mr Speaker”.

The Lawmaker said the process is too long and sometimes is a deliberate strategy to deny those Kenyans their constitutionally mandated IDs.

Hon. Chachu further said even the kids who are born in Nairobi hospitals but their home District is Marsabit they pass through alot of process during the vetting process that makes it difficult for them to acquire the National Identity Card.

Mr Chachu urged the Chairman of interior and cordination of national government committee to look on matters he raised seriously and bring back a comprehensive reply to the house.

The MP said NFD counties is part of Kenya and those who reach the Constitutionally mandated age for acquisition of ID have the right to get the document like other Kenyans.

On the floor of the house the lawmaker seconded the report of departmental committee on environment and natural resources on inquiry of Dams status in Kenya after being tabled in the House for adoption by it’s Chairman Hon. Kareke Mbiuki.

One of dams which has not been fully established is Badassa Dam in Marsabit County that would have supplied adequate water to the residents of Saku Constituency.